Swimming Pool Monitoring

CASE STUDY – Swimming Pool Monitoring

Data Acquisition Networks can inexpensively and effectively monitor public swimming pools remotely. For the very small investment involved, substantial amounts can be saved and reputations protected!

Organisations that provide swimming facilities to the public have a ‘duty of care’ to ensure the swimming environment is safe. Remote monitoring is evidence of due diligence.

In August 2006 a NSW local council approached DAN because it was receiving frivolous claims from public pool users ranging from soreness of eyes through to and including discoloration of clothing. The Council new it was being attentive to its duty of care but had little if any evidence to support that belief against determined claims.

DAN swimming pool monitoring systems not only send alarms when things start to go wrong but they also record data that is evidence of your due diligence.

To access a pdf of the ABC of ORP Monitoring CLICK HERE

Contact Details

Phone 1300 DAN DATA
  1300 326 328

Suite 12, 4A Meridian Place
Bella Vista NSW 2153
